Gavri Devi receives her PPO through Soochna Seva. Soochna Seva team has been working extremely hard towards the… July 15, 2015Leave a commentImpact, impact-BarmerBy admin
Soochna Seva team helps in reconstruction of the shattered dreams of a ‘pucca’ house Bags of cement, a heap of sand, stacks of bricks… July 15, 2015Leave a commentImpact, impact-west chmparanBy admin
सूचना सेवकों का सफल प्रयास; मिला किसानों को लाभ ग्राम भिड़रा में सूचना सेवकों के प्रयासों के फल स्वरूप… July 15, 2015Leave a commentActivity-GunaBy admin
वर्ल्ड विजन की जिला स्तरीय बैठक आज की बैठक 11:00 बजे से 03:00 बजे तक चली… July 15, 2015Leave a commentActivity-BarmerBy admin
Community Meeting Community Meeting Date: - 2-May-2015 Place:- Gram Panchayat Bhawan, Alamsar,… July 15, 2015Leave a commentActivity-BarmerBy admin
Visit to West Champaran February was a busy month for the Soochna Seva team.… July 15, 2015Leave a commentActivity- West champaranBy admin
Demand for social audit of NREGA (Ranchi) NREGA has been controversial scheme since its launch, in terms… July 15, 2015Leave a commentActivity-RanchiBy admin
Community Meeting at Hesatu village Community Meeting at Hesatu village, Angara block attended by 100… July 15, 2015Leave a commentActivity-RanchiBy admin