Life took a u-turn for better
Barmer is one of the most drought-affected districts in Rajasthan. Due to extreme water scarcity, the barmer geographical features consist of just barren lands and sand dunes. This is a story of Bhika Ram. He is 62 years old and belongs to Bheel tribe in Kalyanpur village. He lives with his wife and both are dependent on Narega to keep the kitchen gas burning. The situation was already bad, but things got worse when poor bhika was operated for kidney stones 3 times. The medical bill…
Justice delivered after a long wait- A Success Story of Soochna Seva Team
On 20th February 2017, Kamlesh, a Soochna Seva worker received a tip-off on the rampant black marketing of ration happening in the Ward no. 19, Weaver Colony, Khatipura, Jaipur. The area dealer was stocking the food materials and deserving community members were forced to buy food items from the open market. The poor were unable to afford open market prices and were left malnourished. The rich in the area were reported to be buying off food items on payment of bribes. Shishir and…
Story of a Silicosis Patient
Lalaram is a resident of Ramdevpura village, Kalyanpur block of Badmer district. The region is absolutely parched and locals live in far-off areas in small settlements. Farming and husbandry forms a common occupation in the residents of the area. Some even travel to Jodhpur stone mines to find employment opportunities as labors. This is a story of Lalaram who belongs to a lower-caste (Meghwal). Lalaram is 52 years old and has spent his last 30 years of life working as a mine worker. Lalaram is…
The story of Anand Kanwar
As the tradition has it, a young Soochna Seva worker was working on his assignment to visit several villages to carry out community engagement programs and spread government schemes and entitlements awareness especially in the marginalized section of society. While an awareness campaign in dorp rajasv dharmsar, a small village near gram panchayat of kalyanpur, Barmer, Rajasthan, the Soochna seva worker met a widow, Anand Kanwar. Kanwar husband died 9 months back and all the domestic life…
Life changed for good
Doli rajgurrah, with its mix population of vishnoi, rajpurohit, bheel, meghwal,luhaar and suthar, is a small town situated 19 km away from its Kalyanpur gram panchayat There is a small community settlement near Doli Rajgurrah bus stand. The families residing in it proudly practice their ancestral business. During a community outreach activity in the area, soochna seva team met Vastaram. He was a handicap and belonged to a very poor family consisting of 10 members. Vastaram had no documented…
Rajaram received support from Soochna Seva Kendra after an unfortunate accident
During a survey in Lohrati village, Barmer (Rajasthan), Soochna Seva team met Rajaram. He is 35 years old, married and has 3 kids. Two years ago, in an unfortunate accident, Rajaram lost his one leg. The accident not just crippled him but left his whole family shattered as he was the only breadwinner for them. In the event of finding no employment, the family financial situation went so grim that soon affording medical expenses of Rajaram became impossible. The Soochna Seva team helped…
Soochna Seva Fellows become the walking stick for the old in Barmer
Nakhataram and Haua Devi, aged 62 and 60, respectively, live in a village called Rani Gaon in Barmer district of Rajasthan. While the man is no longer fit to work as a labourer, the woman strives hard at a rock mine; their children, meanwhile, there are married and live with their respective families away from the village. At a community meeting, Soocha Seva fellows learnt that the couple has applied thrice for an old age pension, but they received no response from the authorities despite…
Making the authorities accountable
Thirty-year-old Itiyo Devi lost her husband Rupa Ram a few years, and has been raising her child alone since then. It’s not been easy for her as the little embroidery work that she does is barely enough to earn the mother and the child two square meals a day. Further, her problems aggravate during the monsoon when her straw hut begins to leak. Sometime ago, she heard from a relative about the Rajasthan government’s Karyashala Yojana under which BPL families belonging to the Scheduled…
Much delayed but much relief
Kavita Devi is a 35-year-old widow who lives in Baitu Bhojpi village of Barmer district in Rajasthan with her two girls and one boy. After Shyamlal succumbed to cancer, all Kavita had to support her family was a monthly widow pension of Rs. 500 and a meagre wage as farm labourer (or whatever is her other source of income). This was extremely insufficient to ensure both food and education for the children, and eventually the children were forced to drop out of school. Due to lack of awareness,…
Care for the Old
Aasi Devi is an 80-year-old resident of Baytu Bhopji in Asalaram village in Rajasthan where she had been living a life devoid of any government assistance. An ageing woman, she was not enrolled under any government scheme or entitlement as she was unaware about even the most popular pension schemes. Nor did she know who to approach for help until a Soochna Seva team visited Baytu Bhopji. The team shared ample information about various schemes with community members and encouraged Aasi Devi to…
Questioning the Authorities
Anadu and her husband Azeem Khan live in Baytu Bhopji village of Rajasthan where she has been struggling to receive regular benefits under the old age pension scheme. Though Anandu was enrolled under a pension scheme, a few monthly ago, she stopped receiving her monthly pension. Despite several visits to the Panchayat office, there was no relief or response. When she was about to lose all hopes, somebody directed her to reach out to a Soochna Sevak who helped her register a complaint on the…
Balm For The Sick
Fifty-six-year-old Achalram, a resident of Kalyanpur in Barmer district of Rajasthan, has been working in a stone quarry for the last 15 years while his wife earns 100 days of labour under MGNREGA every year. Hailing from a poor family of a backward caste, Achalram has lived a hard life and continues to live a hard life. While Achalram’s young son, Lalit, is still studying and is yet to contribute to the household income, the older son, 18-year-old Mularam, is an alcoholic. Achalram has two…
Dhanna Ram opens a bank account with Soochna Seva team's help
Soochna seva Kendras have been set up to act as a one stop hub for the people who want to seek information about any government schemes. So, Dhanna Ram, a 58 year old tailor from Rani gaon heard about the SSK from one of his neighbours. One fine day after work he visited the centre to gather information about government schemes. Dhanna Ram shared his life-story with the team so they suggested him to avail Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. He says, “I have three sons and none of them take…
Soochna Sevak helps Kunta Devi in retrieving her lapsed money
Kunta Devi (25) received a cheque of rupees 2000 under Janani Suraksha Yojana in 2014. She and husband had no knowledge about issuing the cheque and receiving the money. They left it abandoned for a year. Unfortunately the time lapsed and their cheque lost its validity. In 2015, Soochna Seva team conducted a community in Rani Gaon panchayat and many people participated in that. Chaggan Lal husband of Kunta Devi also participated and there he learned that he did a grave mistake of not issuing…
Soochna Seva team helps Antro Devi to apply for Widow Pension Scheme
Antro lives in Segri village which is in Rani Gaon panchayat. She got married 55 yrs. ago and her groom was from Ramderia village. Just after two months of marriage her husband died and she went back to her maternal home. She began living a new life with her brothers and sister-in-law but always felt like a burden on them. Unfortunately, her brother also died and thereafter her nephew took care of her. But still she always felt that she could not repay his love and contribute in the family’s…
ऑम प्रकाश मेघवाल की फिर शुरू हुई पेंशन
कल्याणपुर पंचायत से 19 कि.मी दुरी पर स्थित डोली राजगुर्रा, डोली कला का राजस्व ग्राम है जिसमे लग-भग 2000 लोग निवास कर रहे है जो विभिन्न जातियों मे विभक्त है जैसे राजपुरोहित, विश्नोई, भील, मेघवाल, सुथार, लौहार, राजपुत, देवासी, दर्जी, नाई, गोस्वामी, सन्त, ब्राह्म्ण व हरिजन आदि I इसी गांव मे बस स्टेण्ड से लगभग 1 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर मेघवालो कि बस्ती है। इसी बस्ती मे गिरधारी राम मेघवाल (विकलांग) का घर है जो बिल्कुल हाईवे से सटा हुआ है। इनके परिवार मे एक वृद्द माँ, पत्नी, दो बच्चे व तीन बच्चियाँ है।
पेंशन एक ही बार आती है
गंगा देवी, मोकलसर, सिवाना गाँव की रहने वाली एक विधवा महिला है, जिनके पति का निधन दो साल पहले हो गया था। सूचना सेवक द्वारा उनसे संपर्क करने के दौरान पता चला कि उनकी विधवा पेंशन एक ही बार आयी थी, उसके बाद नहीं आयी, तो गंगा देवी को यह भ्रम हो गया कि पेंशन एक बार ही आती है। सूचना सेवक द्वारा उनको समझाने पर पता चला कि पेंशन हर महिने आती है, इसके बाद सूचना सेवक द्वारा गंगा देवी का पंजीकरण कर बैंक में पूछताछ की तो ज्ञात हुआ कि उनकी पेंशन काफ़ी समय से नहीं आ रही है।
गोविन्द कुमार- सफलता की कहानी, आखों की जुबानी
गोविन्द के माता-पिता दोनो ने किसी कारणवंश डेढ वर्ष पहले आत्महत्या कर ली । इनकी उम्र 12 वर्ष की है परिवार मे एक तो स्वयं व दो इनके भाई है। ये तीनो अपने दादा-दादी व चाचा-चाची के साथ रह रहे है। गोविन्द ने अभी कक्षा पांचवी उतीर्ण की है तथा उसके दोनों भाईयों में सबसे बड़ा भाई (उम्र16 वर्ष) घर से दुर कोई लकड़ी का कार्य कर रहा है मंजला भाई (उम्र 14 वर्ष) कक्षा 10वी उतीर्ण की है । पारिवारिक स्थिति काफी दयनीय है । इनके चाचाजी मजदुर है व चाची आंगनबाडीं कार्यकर्ता हैं जो दिन भर कमाने के बाद शाम को रुपये एकत्र कर इनका लालन-पालन करते है । कार्यक्रम के दौरान इन बच्चो की चाची ने सूचना सेवा की मींटींग में भाग लीया तब सूचना मित्रो ने योननाओं के बारे में बताया |
Gavri Devi receives her PPO through Soochna Seva.
Soochna Seva team has been working extremely hard towards the betterment of society by making people aware of the rights and opportunities provided by government for making one’s life sustainable. One such effort came into light from Kuship village of Ramdev Nagar block in Barmer district. Here Soochna Seva team helped Gabri Devi to obtain Pension Plan Order (PPO) card for Old Age Pension Scheme that she has applied three months ago. Gabri Devi Meghwal is a 50-yr-old woman and she married…
Little one wins back their lost hope through Soocha Seva team’s effort
Four years ago, Gavri Devi’s husband died due to electrocution. Her in-laws distanced themselves just after the demise of their son and they did not even come forward to know about the well-being of Gavri Devi. Her parents provided money to run the household but the amount was too little to fulfill all her needs. Gavri Devi somehow managed to send her children to government schools and through the help of school authorities she applied for ‘Palanhar Pension Yojna’. This scheme aims to…
Soochna Seva resolved problem of Bhanwar Kawar
The panchayat of Bijilia village in Barmer district, informed soochna seva team that Bhawar Kawar, who is a 72-year-old widow, is not the resident of Bijilia and that is the reason for discontinuation of the pension that she was receiving. This was a disturbing piece of information for Soochna Seva team as well as for Bhanwar because panchayat has also mentioned that for last two years she did not approach them to inquire about the delay in pension, so they assumed that, she might have moved to…
Facilitating the unfortunate and needy
The unfilled form of Viklang Pension Scheme laid brazenly among other documents at Gajro Devi’s house until it came to the notice of our Soochna Sevak, Rakesh, during his visit to her house. When Rakesh visited Supura to spread awareness about government schemes and policies, he visited Gajro Devi’s house. He was moved immensely by seeing her terrible condition. Gajro Devi is a 70- year-old widow and lives in Surpura village which comes under Dandi Sakhla Panchayat and is 13 kms away…
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