April 14, 2015 is a gazetted holiday declared for birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Today a Gram Sabha meeting is to take place. So Soochna Sevaks (me and Rajaram) went to attend Bhidra Panchyat Gram Sabha. When we reached there, I noticed 6-7 pairs of old footwear. Among this foot wears, a pair of white sports shoe was kept bit away and inside the bhawan. 5 old cycles rested on the wall and 2 bikes outside Panchayat Bhavan. 10-15 community members were in the hall and all were men. This Panchayt Bhavan seldom opens, as one could see lot of dirt gathered on the floor as well as all around. When we entered the building people who were sitting got alert even the Secretary. We sat and was about to began the proceedings that a stranger came to the venue and asked about me. Soochna Sevak Rajaram introduced me to him. I guessed he might be the Sarpanch but he turned out be a person who financed the candidate for the Sarpanch post and he was here to reap his first harvest.
The eyewash Gram Sabha began. The Secretary of Bhidra panchayat Mr. Praduman Khemariya started the proceedings and reported that a three page agenda is sent by “Madhya Pradesh Panchayat Evam Grameem Vikas Vibhag” comprising 34 points which we will discuss in today’s Gram Sabha. Then the Secretary asked for volunteer to read out the points, when no one came forward he handed out the agenda copy to me and asked me – ‘Sir aap hi pad dijiye’.
I began reading out the agenda and observed that Sarpance and the Secretary talking to each other in hushed tone. I used this occasion to explain the points, as I felt mere reading out the points is not going to make sense, as most of the people present were adivasis and are aloof from the reality. The Secretary, seeing my explanation might change the game and would upset their calculation took back the paper saying ‘sir aap thak gaye honge, main padh deta hoon’. When he took the paper from me I was at the twenty second point. So the Secretary began from where I left. He was not good in Hindi so he was stammering while reading out the agenda.
People were listing to him, some who were active posed question or proposed or pushed their agenda which was taken lightly and were not discussed. Secretary said – ‘haan –haan dekh lenge’ ‘ho jayega’ etc. Seeing such response people started leaving the meeting. Neither the Sarpanch nor the Secretary made an attempt to stop people and re engage them. We also left the venue. Inside the hall both Sarpanch and Secretary got busy with penning down the proceedings. The attitude of Sarpanch and Secretary was not new but it remained me how the govt. machinery functions and responds to people.
I asked Rajaram to get the picture of the meeting minutes. The Secretary refused flatly saying – ‘aisa thode hota hai’. Mr. Guman Singh who is the first graduate from the village had only apathy to express.
Thus Bhidra Gram Sabha came to an end and just one proposal was put which is construction of Cremation Place.
Guman Singh thanked Soochna Sevaks and mentioned that the last Gram Sabha took place in the year 2005. He also praised Rajaram for his efforts to rally around people and encouraging them to attend the Gram Sabha. Though the attendance was low but it had a good beginning and hope that this Gram Sabha will inspire many others to come and keep their views.