Kanamul Miyah (60), an elderly disable from Bakwa Chandraul, a small village in Ramnagar block of West Champaran District. Despite his poor physical and financial condition, Miyah was unable to avail the benefits of government schemes as he had no bank account and no identification proof.
Once he tried to get a disability certificate but failed because of having no documents to support his claim. Soochna Seva team met him during a field visit and then worked out a plan to help him out. At first, the team assisted him to get the Aadhar Card made in a camp within the village. In 25 days, he received the Aadhar number. Later, the team took him to a hospital in Ramnagar block and assisted him to get the medical certificate to support his claim for disability pension. Within a week, he also got a saving account opened in a nationalised bank.
Having made all the supportive documents, Karnamul finally applied for Disability Pension Scheme. Since he is old and the percentage of disability is 70 per cent, the probability of his application being accepted was certain. Without any hassle, the application was processed and after three months, he received his first pension. From then on, he has been receiving a financial assistance of Rs 500 per month. He thanks Soochna Seva team for assisting him to get the benefits of the pension scheme for disabled persons.