On 2nd May 2015, a community meeting was held in Gram Panchayat Bhawan at Dhanau Block to mobilize the community and inform about their rights and how Soochna Seva team can help them. The meeting had an impressive gathering, including villagers from and around Alamsar, social workers, Sarpanch, Ward Panch, and Soochna Seva team – the District Manager, Block Managers, Block Coordinators, and Soochna Seva Mitras.
Shishir Purohit, District Manager of Soochna Seva, began the meeting with a film on the necessity of vaccinations for new born babies. A short and an interactive session followed as a way of information dissemination and share learning from the film.
After the movie, varied sessions and discussions were conducted by Javrilal and Kalaram Vishnoi from Soochna Seva on Social Security Schemes and Disability Pension Schemes for the Labors. Dr. Pradeep Pagaria from Krishi Vighyan Kendra, Barmer discussed various Agriculture Schemes, Government subsidy for farmers, and how to create a livelihood through agriculture. He even showed the movie on gum making from the tree called ‘Kummath’ which can be a good source of income for the farmers. He also shared how to make a good living out of pomegranates, bor and khazoor in western Rajasthan.