In Madhya Pradesh, nearly 71% of the population is directly involved in agriculture. Every year farmers face crop failure due to various reasons like unproductive seeds, climate change and many more. Rastriya Dalhan Utpaad Yojana, is a small part under the umbrella of ‘Rashtriya Kirshi Vikas Yojana’ by agriculture department. The main objective of this yojana is to improve the crop production by distributing good quality pulse seeds that are pre-tested in the laboratories. Rajaram Dhakkad, Soochna Sevak (Guna) came to know about this benefit so he paid a visit to Bhidra village and had an open discussion with some of the farmers.
Throughout the course of discussion he informed them about the benefits of Rashtriya Dalhan Yojana with the mandate of having a group of at least twenty people. Unquestionably, the farmers agreed and came to the decision that they will form a group and take the seeds of chickpeas and distribute among themselves on temporary basis.
Gradually the farmers learned about other benefits of the scheme so as to have holistic understanding of the programme such as they will get 80kg of seed per person, pesticides for the crops and the contribution amount bear by them. So, Soochna Sevak collected all the required documents like address proof, ID proof, land proof, passport size photo and a bank pass book. Rajaram Dhakkad met Mr. BL Jatav (Krishi Vikas Vistaar Adhikari), agriculture department officer and inquired about the remaining criteria of the yojana so as to enrol the group of farmers from Bhidra village. On the same day, Rajajram Dhakkad along with the Agriculture Development Officer visited the village and registered all the farmers on the spot.
On 2nd November, 2015 seeds and pesticides were collected from ‘Nanakheda Maal Godown’ of Agriculture Department and dispensed equally among all the famers on next day. Later on, the agriculture officer Mr. Jatav conducted a small training with the farmers regarding the process of seed sowing and proper use of pesticides. Information of other schemes was also explained in the same training.
Lastly, Mr. Jatav appreciated the efforts of Soochna Seva for the welfare of the needy people by empowering them with relevant information.