PAN or Permanent Account Number is 8 digit number issued by Income Tax Department and is one of the most important document these days. Primarily, it is used as an identity proof to avail the benefit of some public schemes and entitlements in the rural areas.
People from the villages have to travel to Guna block for generating pan card and were forced to invest high amount including travel, a day wage and bribe. Soochna Seva Kendra in Umri Panchayat, Madhya Pradesh paid heed to this concern during community meetings and day to day interactions with the beneficiaries. Later on, the facility for generating pan card got started in the centre, serving the inhabitants of the other panchayats as well.
More than 65 forms have been processed, 50 of them were distributed with the support of Umri Post Office. Distribution of pan cards has been done through Soochna Seva Kendra. The efforts of Soochna Seva are saving the money and time of the community and easing the bank processes.