Community Meeting
Date: - 2-May-2015
Place:- Gram Panchayat Bhawan, Alamsar, Dhanau
Participants: Local Community People from various villages covered under Alamsar , People from nearby villages, Social workers, Village Sarpanch, Ward Panch and Soochna Mitras from Barmer District etc.
Preparation before the meeting
- Local dominant people were informed one week before the meeting and the expectations from their side.
- Soochna Mitras visited homes to inform people.
- Awareness campaigning on massive level was done by Socchna Seva team two days before by the team through the Soochna Van with the help of ITC tools i.e. Loud speaker/Mic and IEC tools like pamphlet distribution visiting hamlets also.
Objective and the summary of the meeting were as follows:
1) Introductory session was taken by Shishir Purohit, in which community was asked for the objective of the meeting in the mean while Registration process was done through fellow Bhuraram and Champaram.
2) A Movie was shown on the necessity of vaccinations among new baby born children under Health Schemes. After that people were asked and discussed learning from the movie.
3) A session was taken by Javrilal on the process of Social Security Schemes such as Old Age Pension, Widow Pension and Palanhar Scheme (Scheme for School/ Anganwadi going destitute children), in the mean while collections of the documents of the beneficiaries were collected by the fellows, Beneficiaries, which could not take the documents were registered and asked to submit later on.
4) Kalaram Vishnoi took the session on disability Pension and schemes for the Labors, In the mean while beneficiaries were registered by the fellow.
5) A session on awareness about livelihood enhancement through agriculture and agricultural schemes were taken by Dr. Pradeep Pagaria from Krishi Vighyan Kendra, Barmer. He initially shown the movie on agriculture schemes and the movie on gum making from the tree called “Kummath” which can be a good source of income for the farmers.
After showing the movie, Mr. pagaria took the session on agriculture schemes and government subsidy for active farmers. He also saw the process of Pomegranate, Bor and Khazoor in western Rajasthan. At the end, he shown the process of gum making and distribute the chemical for increment of gum from the tree. IEC material also provided to the community people for the awareness.
6) At the end, thankful session was taken by Shishir and told the abstract of the meeting. After the meeting people raised the queries about Social security schemes and agricultural schemes.