NREGA has been controversial scheme since its launch, in terms of giving work to the needy ones and subsequently releasing the payment timely after work done. Keeping in mind the issues, SSK Angara (Ranchi) team decided to have a meeting with local administration, elected members and beneficiaries have not received the amount. The meeting has been organised on March 10, 2015. In presence of Mr. Ram Balak Kumar, Block Development Officer, Ms. Deep Mala, Circle Officer, Mr. Kaleshwar Mahato, Welfare Officer, Mr. Pradeep Kumar Mahato, Rozgar Sevak of MGNREGA, and Ms. Seema Devi, Mukhiya, Angara Panchayat on the issues related to not releasing the payment were raised.
It has been noticed that Rozgar sevak has withdrawn the amount of some beneficiaries without prior signing of BDO/Circle officer. Presently in the entire state of Jharkhand social audit of the scheme is being carried out.
The meeting was started with the warm welcome of Govt. officials and elected member. The matter was taken up and asked the BDO to give the clarification on withdrawn amount of the beneficiaries. He was not aware about the same and assured to take the matter into routine meeting. Rozgar Sevak was scared when he got to know the reality. Thereafter, it was also asked why social audit has not been carried out in Angara block. Instead of answered the query he started run away and replied to take an action on NREGA withdrawn issue.
SSK team including Mohd Aijaz, DTM, Pradeep Poddar, Block Coordinator, Lankesh Kumar, Block Coordinator and Sahdev Mahato, Fellow along with the Beneficiaries and elected members have decided to take the matter up to the district/state level to conduct the social audit of NREGA.