Nizampur in Khatakiya panchayat has 50 households with a population of 600 people.
Harijan and Kevats reside in this village on the banks of river Parvati, which is suitable for growing khareef crops like soyabean and corn; and rabi crops like wheat, gram, coriander and some vegetables.
Most people in this village own agricultural lands or work on these lands as labourers.
When Soochna Sevak, Naval Kushwaha visited this village to create awareness about a computer course being offered at a nearby location, he received an overwhelming response. One of the villager listening to Naval was Ram Gopal whose son Sugan Chand Kevat was pursuing Bachelor in Arts. Ram was keen to get more information about the computer course and was willing to immediately pay the one-time registration fee of Rs. 150 to get his son enrolled for the classes, even know the centre was about 20 kilometres from Nizampur.
Sugan was equally enthusiastic about this opportunity. So he would take the local train or sometimes ride his bike to the centre. However, he suddenly stopped coming to the centre. Though Sugan had completed his course and earned his certificate of completion, this still worried the Soochna Sevaks, especially since Sugan was not just enthusiastic but had been a dedicated and quick learner.
When the Soochna Seva team went to his village to find out the reason of Sugan’s absence from the center, they found out that he got placed with a fixed stipend of Rs. 3,000 due to his newly acquired knowledge and computer skills. ,