During a door-to-door visit in Julapaani village of Mariyakhedi Khurd panchayat in Guna, Soochna Sevak, Babulal Bheel, informed Pahalwan Singh Bheel about the schemes/entitlements that he and his family were eligible for. After examining the status of family the Soochna Sevak suggested him to get his 7-yr daughter registered under ‘Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana’ by depositing 1000 rupees per year till she turns 14 year of age. And as mandate she can receive all the money once she attain the suitable age for marriage.
After the visit, Pahalwan Singh did not interact with the Soochna Sevak again and instead he visited an aaganwadi near his house. There he got to know about about the ‘Ladli Laxmi Yojana’. He got confused between the two schemes that he knew about, so in order to get more information about it he met Panchayat Sachiv and learned he had to provide necessary documents in order to avail the advantage of Ladli Laxmi Yojana. Two months passed by and Pahalwan Singh was still in the dilemma when he met Babulal Bheel(Soochna Sevak ) again and learned that Sukanya Samridhi Yojana is best for his daughter. He regretted for his folly of not initiating the process at that time when the Soochna Sevak was in the village. So, within two days, Pahalwaan Singh came to Soochna Seva Kendra with his daughter Sheetal, and completed the mandatory formalities which were required under the schemes. He was elated to release the stress that he was going through and thanked the Soochna seva team for their help.