Inception workshop about “Improving access to information of public schemes in backward districts in India” was held at Vivanta, New Delhi (Golf Links), on February 7th, 2014. This workshop was conducted by Digital Empowerment Foundation in collaboration with European Union.
The main objective of the workshop was to enable project implementing agencies to know about each other, partners and key stakeholders. Also, create a supportive and collaborative partnership mode between civil society organisations and local authorities by exploring the scope for joint learning, research, documentation, advocacy, peer review, organising same-state(s)/ same sector group discussions, discussing web-based information exchange and storage and emphasising the suo moto disclosure principle of the RTI Act.
All the 14 organisations as well as some of their partners participated in the workshop. Around 80 participants were present altogether. There were discussions around common – geographies, theme, government schemes and financial & contractual issues.
- Syed Kazi, Deputy director of DEF
- Inauguration of Inception Workshop
- Presentation about DEF and Soochna Seva
- Participant during open floor session
- Representative from Action Aid
- Discussion session of partcipants