Barmer is one of the most drought-affected districts in Rajasthan. Due to extreme water scarcity, the barmer geographical features consist of just barren lands and sand dunes. This is a story of Bhika Ram. He is 62 years old and belongs to Bheel tribe in Kalyanpur village. He lives with his wife and both are dependent on Narega to keep the kitchen gas burning. The situation was already bad, but things got worse when poor bhika was operated for kidney stones 3 times. The medical bill exhausted all their savings. They went to government camp and filled old age pension forms but to no avail.
Life took a u-turn for better. Shankar Lal, a Sochna Seva mitra met this family. He took it upon himself to help the old couple. He filled old age pension form and completed other paper work formalities for Bhika Ram. After two months, Bhika ram’s pension P.P.O was generated. The Soochna Seva team personally went to couple’s home to hand over their P.P.O. The old couple smiled and thanked Soochna team for the help. Today, Bhika Ram’s family receive monthly Rupees 500 pension.