Brajesh, son of Nathu Lal, is a resident of Kanjarpura village, which comes under Sakonya Gram Panchayat of tehsil Raghogardh in Guna district of Madhya Pradesh. A Scheduled Tribe and 30 years of, Brajesh lives with his wife and four children; and earns his living through manual labour. This village lives in complete information darkness — there is no Internet, no television and not even newspapers are delivered here. There is nobody to give him relevant or timely information.
One day, Soochna Seva worker Om Prakash Jatav visited the village and met Brajesh. During their brief meeting, the former informed the latter about various government schemes such as Gram Sansad Gram Uday and Bharat Uday Abhiyan. However, Jatav learnt that the villagers don’t even hold ration cards, which is why most of them are unable to avail any government entitlements. Jatav immediately helped Brajesh and others like him in the village to apply for a BPL coupon. He followed up the case, and even came back a few weeks later to check whether or not the villagers had received the ration card. And they had. And the ration card was not just a piece of paper or identity for them, it was a ray of hope and a promise of a better future for them.