The Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and the Office of the Delegation of the European Union in India has organized a Panel Discussion on “Strengthening Governance and Citizen Engagement Digitally for Last Mile Access and Delivery of Public Schemes Information and Entitlements” on 24th April 2017 in Ranchi, Jharkhand.
The Consultation is to identify innovations and best practices regarding access and delivery of information and entitlements keeping in mind the geographical, infrastructural and connectivity challenges in Jharkhand state. The discussion seeks to strengthen the efforts of the government and other stakeholders to democratize and decentralize information and entitlement access and delivery to the last mile citizens in Jharkhand.
It seeks to recognize the best practices taken by organisations towards strengthening the access and delivery of government schemes information and citizen entitlement benefits on the following thematic areas:
1. Strengthening Governance and Citizen Engagement Digitally for Last Mile Access And Delivery of Public Schemes Information and Entitlements
2. Yojna Banao Abhiyan– the opportunities and challenges
3. Participatory Learning and Action for improved mother, child care and nutrition
4. Social Audit for Transparency and Accountability – Jharkhand experience
5. Participatory School Development Planning for Right to Education