The residents of Chilka village in Guna district were facing grave issues related to hand-pumps for several days. Every day villagers would gather around the hand-pump that was functioning properly and would stand for long hours to fill their vessels. To make matters worse, people quarreled with each other and this caused loads of commotion within the community. So, the locals complained in the PHE (Public Health Engineering) department on June 20, 2015 and waited for the officials to begin the repair work of broken hand-pumps.
After a week some people from the PHE department dumped a few pipes beside the broken hand-pump and did not return for many days. The locals were irritated by the negligence of the department. This news went viral and Patrika newspaper of Guna district reported the issue in their paper. It was on July3, 2015 when one of the Soochna Seva team members noticed this news piece. He reported the same to the Block manager and the Block coordinator of Soochna Seva.
Next day, both the seniors of Soochna Seva team went to PHE department and inquired about the delay in the work process. The officials notified that due to shortage of staff, the work did not process further and hence they assured that it will resume from the next day. The Soochna Seva team reached Chilka village and found that the PHE workers were facing difficulty in pulling the pipes as they were too heavy for them to lift. The team requested the local folks to lend a helping hand so that the work can gain momentum. Soon people from the crowd came forward to help and also they assisted Soochna Seva team in cleaning the clogged drain to allow excess water from hand-pump to pass through.
After the repair work was over, the PHE department officials thanked the team for assisting the PHE workers in the repairing work. Also, the locals of Chilka village expressed their gratitude to the team and praised the immediate action taken up by the team.