Mangri Minz is a 48-year-old widow from Tengaaria village in Dighiya panchayat, Bero District, Ranchi. Her husband passed away 10 years ago, leaving her with two small children who were now dependent on her. After her husband’s death, she would work in the field with her children tied to her back. With great amount of struggles, she raised the children and succeeded in getting their names enrolled in a government school.
Many people informed her that she is entitled to widow pension. But since she couldn’t manage to get her husband’s death certificate, she couldn’t register for the pension either. It was in this respect that she received help from the local Soochna Seva team.
Mangri met the Soochna Sevaks during a ‘Labour Registration Camp’ under the Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Scheme. She stood towards the end of the queue and by the time it was her turn, the Sevaks had run out of registration forms.
So the Sevaks requested the remaining people to come to the Soochna Seva Kendra the next day to get the forms. But they couldn’t receive the forms again because the Labour Planning Department official was off duty. The next day, the Soochna Sevaks went to Mangri’s house and got her labour and widow pension registration forms filled, following which she immediately went to the bank to complete the other required formalities.
A few days later, the Labour Department sent a list of registered labourers to the Soochna Seva Kendra, with Mangri Devi’s name on it. And the Sevaks shared this great news with Mangri Devi. Now Mangri will possess a ‘Labour Card’ and will get benefits of about 18 schemes, according to the labour registration terms, thus, putting an end to her miseries!
She will just have to deposit Rs.100 as annual fee in the bank in order to get the benefits every year. She is now entitled to avail the benefits of about 18 schemes, among them are:
• Medical support scheme
• Medical reimbursement scheme
• Loan for purchase of tools
• Sewing machine scheme
• Pension scheme
• Family pension scheme
• National pension scheme
• National health insurance scheme
• Payment of death of beneficiary (accidental and natural both)to the relatives
• Payment of funeral assistance etc.
This is how Mangri Devi came to know about the Labor Registration Scheme and received her labour card, courtesy camps organised by Soochna Seva. With their help and guidance, she now gets all the benefits under the Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Scheme.
Mangri Devi is highly grateful to the Soochna Seva team!