Etwary Orain is 62 years old. She lives with her family in Purio panchayat in Itki block of Ranchi, Jharkhand. She, her husband Lathu, her sons Birsa and Karthik, her daughter-in-laws Lalita and Susma are all engaged on their family land, trying to contribute towards the monthly household income. However, their small piece of land does not earn them profits round the year. In fact, crops sown are only sufficient to help them meet their ends for about six to seven months a year. The rest of the year, they work as agricultural labourers in others’ fields or graze their cattle.
For lack of awareness or lack of relevant documents, none of the family members — until recently had a bank account, due to which they were missing on benefits they could receive under the various social security schemes of the government.
A few months ago, a Soochna Seva team was mobilising community members in the village and making them aware of government schemes when they met the Orain family. The team showed the family benefits of opening a bank account and gradually, over the next few days, even helped them open bank accounts. Further, they were assisted in applying for government schemes for which they were eligible and informed about crops that they could sow for round-the-year harvest.