Rukma Devi lives in Dabri village with her family, Tehri Garhwal and her husband Brahmpal works in a hotel in Pune, Maharashtra. He has one son and two daughters. Her 5 year old daughter Radhika is eligible for the Nanda Devi Kanya Dhan Yojana, launched to empower the girl child in 2011. Under the scheme, a girl child born on or after January 1, 2009, to BPL parents will receive Rs 5,000 as fixed deposit, to be utilised on the condition that the girl completes 18 years of age and also clears class X.
Besides, the birth of the girl has to be institutionalised, reported by an aganwadi worker, and is also vaccinated. The money can be used for the girl’s higher studies or some other purpose
Soochna Seva team has explained to Rukma Devi the details of the Yojana and the kind of documents required to avail the benefits such as Birth Certificate of the Beneficiary, Income Certificate of his father, Ration Card and passport size photographs.
Suresh Singh, Soochna Seva fellow got the form filled and started collecting the required documents. Few days later he then submitted the set of endorsed documents in Social Welfare Department. It took almost two months Rukma Devi received a Cheque of Rs. 5,000 from the Department on behalf of her daughter Radhika.