Hasina Begum, wife of Abdul Karim, is 41 years old. She can neither speak not listen. A resident of Kundi village in Itki block, Ranchi (Jharkhand), Hasina has four children —Salman Ansari (14 years), Fatima Khatoon (12 years), Sahil Ansari (11 years) and Afsana Khatoon (10 years).
Not very long ago, they used to live in Bihar, facing regular hardships of life. They migrated to Jharkhand and settled in Kundi village in search of enough labour work for her husband to sustain the family. Her husband is the sole bread earner in the family. Shifting to Kundi, however, didn’t improve their livelihood much but Hasina’s husband works at a nearby poultry farm and her children go to a nearby school.
A few days ago, Hasina visited our Soochna Seva camp with her husband to get a bank account opened at the Gramin Bank, and the sevaks promptly helped her fill the application form.
“We tried to open a bank account at the union bank, but they wouldn’t give us a form; moreover, they demanded Rs 100 for when the form would be available,” her husband said in anger and irritation.
It was after this incident that their neighbours suggested them to reach out to Soochna Seva.
At Soochna Seva Kendra, the family was elated when they could get a form, fill it and submit it for free. Upon the sevaks’ recommendation, the couple now plans to save money in the bank account for their children’s education. They will now also be able to receive monetary benefits that they are entitled to under various government schemes.