Message From Soochnaseva team:
Soochna Seva team is happy to share this information that we have successfully integrated ICT in all the five centre which are Barmer (Rajasthan), Guna (Madhya Pradesh), West Champaran (Bihar), Tehri-Garhwal (Uttrakhand) and Ranchi (Jharkhand). With this initiative we have taken a step further in providing information rich system to the people who are devoid of it.
Soochna Seva Newsletter DEC – 2015

Dear Reader,
Soochna Seva team is happy to share this information that we have successfully integrated ICT in all the five centre which are Barmer (Rajasthan), Guna (Madhya Pradesh), West Champaran (Bihar), Tehri-Garhwal (Uttrakhand) and Ranchi (Jharkhand). With this initiative we have taken a step further in providing information rich system to the people who are devoid of it.
We even conducted district level workshops in Barmer, West Champaran, Tehri-Garhwal and Guna. The primary objective of the workshop was to liaison with stakeholders, government officials, local NGO and other social activists. The outcome will be to inform the important people about the Soochna Seva and services provided by it.
In the month of October, we conducted rallies and marched hand-in-hand with students, villagers and others to celebrate RTI week. The team visited Barmer and filed RTI in collaboration with Siksha Ka Sawal Abhiyaan. Also,the team had a rare opportunity to meet the “Mangiyaar” community (the lost singing community of Rajasthan). We even participated in the 4th ENGO Challenge Award function organised by Digital Empowerment Foundation.
Thank you,

Barmer Visit with Osama Manzar
On 2nd October Delhi team set forth for their visit to Barmer district. Apart from the team Osama Manzar (Founder- Director of Digital Empowerment Foundation) and Radhika from (Shiksha Ka Sawal) also accompanied in the journey. Read more
Soochna Seva celebrates RTI Day
Soochna Seva teams conducted information sharing drive in five districts—Barmer (Rajasthan), Ranchi (Jharkhand), Tehri Garhwal (Uttrakhand), West Champaran (Bihar) and Guna (Madhya Pradesh)— to celebrate the RTI Day (October 12). Read more

The ICT interface was integrated in the centres at Barmer (Rajasthan) on 19th October, Tehri Garhwal (Uttarakhand) on 22nd October, Ranchi (Jharkhand) on 24th October, Guna (Madhya Pradesh) on 27th October and West Champaran (Bihar) on 29th October. Read more
Workshops at Districts
Workshops on “Information, Empowerment and Entitlement” was organised in Barmer, West Champaran, Tehri-Garhwal and Guna districts. The primary goal of the seminar was to enhance understanding of public schemes, programs and process to avail the information/benefit. Read more