Nakhataram and Haua Devi, aged 62 and 60, respectively, live in a village called Rani Gaon in Barmer district of Rajasthan. While the man is no longer fit to work as a labourer, the woman strives hard at a rock mine; their children, meanwhile, there are married and live with their respective families away from the village.
At a community meeting, Soocha Seva fellows learnt that the couple has applied thrice for an old age pension, but they received no response from the authorities despite multiple follow-ups with the Village Secretary. Aligned with the mission of the project, the fellows invited Nakhataram and Haua Devi to the Soochan Seva Kendra the next day with all relevant document, following which they application was submitted to the authorities once again. This time, the Soocha Sevaks followed-up with the authorities on a weekly basis, and within the next few weeks the application had been approved by the Block Development Officer.