A popular quote by Nelson Mandela says, “We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.” Soochna Seva also aims to help the needy, even if their work is confined to a certain geographical area. Such a case occurred in West Champaran when Soochna Seva team met Satyanarayan Manjhi.
Soochna Seva team organised a camp on awareness about ‘Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojna’ in Bahuarwa village. It was during this camp when Satyanarayan Manjhi, a 40-yr-old man from Chautaha explained his helpless situation to the team. He is a migrant labourer and goes to work in Delhi while his wife and 3 children stay in Chautaha village in Purainia block. A year ago he applied for ‘Indira Awas Yojna’ and hence received 37,500 rupees under this scheme. After the money was deposited in his account, the construction work of his ‘pucca house’ began. The walls were already raised but the third installment did not come in time and cause the work stalled in between. They did not have a roof to cover their heads, so Satyanarayan fixed couple of wooden logs on top and covered it with tarpaulin. The toilets were yet to be constructed. To get the information about the delay in next installment, he went to the BDO office but he was always turned down by the officials.
Even though, Chautaha does not come under the projected area of Soochna Seva, the team continued to help him out. They spoke with the officers in the BDO department and discovered that there was scarcity of funds at block level due to which the third installment did not come for so many months. But, the officer assured them that the money would be provided to Satyananarayan within two weeks.
Finally on July 12, 2015 the final installment of 20,000 rupees was given to Satyanarayan and soon he resumed the construction work, before leaving to Delhi. It was a great relief for him as his family would not have to live in such terrible conditions anymore. He thanked Soochna Seva team and wished that their good work continues to benefit the helpless.