Dandachali is small village in Chamba block of Tehri Garhwal. It is a hilly area surrounded by mountains and is 12 kilometers away from the main city. Since the village is located far away from the city the locals could not avail Aadhar cards, therefore they discussed this issue with the Gram Pradhan. To solve the matter he communicated with the Soochna Seva team of Chamba block and appealed to them to find out a solution and help people.
After the discussion the team began coordinating with the agencies and requested them to put up an aadhar card camp in the village. Soon a camp was organised in the village and lots of people attended the camp, even those who lived far from Dandachali participated in the camp. During this camp the team also arranged a multipurpose machine (Photocopy, printer and scanning) so that the villagers can register for Aadhar card without any hassle. It was a kind of dual support to the villagers as they live in an isolated location and are totally disconnected from any public services and benefits that they are eligible for.
During the discussion in the camp another concern popped up. There was deficiency of a source to strengthen digital literacy. Though in a nearby school computer classes were provided but the number of computers were also less and also the teachers came once a week. So to provide digital literacy in that area Soochna Seva team assured them that the team will begin weekly computer classes in small batches and empower people digitally.