A meeting was organized by Soochna Seva with Mukhiya and Ward Council of Balthar Panchayat on July 27, 2017. In this meeting, Soochna Seva laid out the past and future of the work in Sikta Block. The team stressed the need of empowering Panchayats through capacity building of the council so that they can improve the governance at Panchayat level.
Further, it was highlighted that in order to improve the governance it is imperative to improve the service delivery of extension bodies namely, Anganwadi, PHC and School at Panchayat Level.
Mukhiya and ward council agreed to hold ward sabhas of all wards in Panchayats where ward member and ward people would be present to understand the working of Anganwadi and building a consensus on making Ward Samiti to supervise the function of Anganwadi.
As a follow up of July 27, a combined meeting of Ward 1 and 2 was held on Aug 9, 2017. In the meeting, Mr. Ram Bharos Mahato, Sunil Majhi along with 42 Female and 23 male constituents were present. He firstly explained the working and target group of Anganwadi, thereafter a Chart was shown to the participants where in quantity of nutrient food to be given away by Anganwadi to its beneficiaries. Participants hereafter reported that these norms are often flaunted by Anganwadi and was wondering about the reasons.
He explained that an Anganwadi has fixed number of population to cater with and the entire population of ward is catered on rotation basis. However, he highlighted that that if they have any complaints regarding the working, behavior or any quality/quantity issue they can avail the assistance of Soochna Seva Kendra, Balthar in lodging the complaints against said offender. Stressing on the need of documentation and observing the hierarchy so that villagers always have option of appeal.
Hereafter he mentioned that each ward is empowered to form a committee to supervise and make Anganwadi accountable. It was learnt that no such committee is formed and nor functional. After explaining the need and importance of committee the group decided that Ward no. 1 & 2 will form the committee by Aug 17, 2017.
During question answer session, there were a discussion on the process of Right to Information (RTI Act), reasons behind some of pensioners not receiving their pensions, why there are delays in School scholarships and highlighted Bank account as only mode to receive any kind of monetary benefits.
Soochna Seva team explained about 2 different schemes one ‘Pradhan Mantri Swachta Abhiyan’ and ‘Lohoyia Swachata Abhiyan’, meanwhile mentioning the variety of digital services provided by Soochna Seva Kendras at panchayat level.