Ranchi, where Soochna Seva intervention is going so far good, beneficiaries are getting benefits of various social sectoral schemes for which they are entitled. People come to SSK to avail information and viz-a-viz team outreach the beneficiaries door to door to register them and help them until they don’t get the benefit of concerned schemes. Ground staffs have also engaged influential stakeholders with the program whose are enthusiastically contributing in each task. Stakeholders especially elected members have expectation from SSK to support them in a way to reach out unreached beneficiaries with the involvements of other programs such as food processing, capacity building etc.
During the visit to Ranchi a group session was conducted in Hisatu village of Angara block wherein 100 plus women and girls were present. Team Ranchi has also formed some SHGs to link them with food processing program, they were also there. The session was jointly facilitated by Project Officer, Vahid, DTM, Aijaz and fellows on state/central sponsored social developmental schemes. In a session scheme for children, women, girls, old age person and students were talked. During the session beneficiaries raised numerous questions followed by their proper solution. Ward members and Panchayat mukhiya was also contributed her views and showed an expectation to reach out beneficiaries those are daily wage workers especially.