The Postmaster of Getalsud panchayat and one of our Soochna Sevak discussed about the poor participation of people in various schemes hosted by the post-office. The Soochna Sevak shared his experience and informed the postmaster, that people are skeptic about the process that takes place in post-office. To resolve the misconception among people, the duo came up with the idea to invite the people at one place and help them register under the yojanas. To give shape to this idea, the Soochna Seva team organised a camp in the community hall of Getalsud on July 27, 2015. They also invited post masters from different panchayats like Heastu, Heratu, and Bisa. Even, the gram sabha representative of Getalsud attended the camp.
A week prior to the camp, the Soochna Sevak and the post master visited as many villages as they could and invited people for the camp, and also requested to carry the necessary documents with themselves. The hard work paid and around fifty people visited the camp at regular intervals from 11am to 3:30 pm.
Around 4 people applied for the Sukanya Yojana. According to this yojana any girl child who is born after 2003 is eligible for the scheme. One has to deposit 1000 rupees as an initial joining amount and for every month they had to deposit min 100 rupees (non-mandatory) per month for next 14 years till the girl reaches to the age of 21 years of age.
For Personal Life Insurance (PIL) scheme around 8 people applied. In this scheme one has to deposit any amount per month for 5 years and by the end of five years one will be able to receive money based with interest.
The event ended in a positive note when the post masters of other panchayat also felt the need of such awareness camp in their villages.