The Soochna Seva Kendra at Bamori’s Berkhdi village was made operational since last six months, with expectation that the Kendra will help to succeed in building an information bridge which will bring the beneficiary and the concerned government departments on a single platform. To realize these expectations a Team of four officers from Bamori Block was invited for the Interface but were not able to attend due to another unscheduled departmental meeting. However, the officers’ team assured that they will help them and extend support in every possible way.
Encouraged by this assurance the Soochna Seva Bamori team decided to organize an activity where both the beneficiary and the service providers to participate at the same table. To take this forward a budget and a plan of action was drawn and April 25, 2015 was agreed upon as a suitable date to commence the activity but due to another meeting it was postponed to April 27, 2015.
A list of invitees was prepared for the program which included names of Mr. Balaji Madiq and Mr. Abhinav Pandye. The meeting started with a welcome note and offering of garlands to each guest by the block coordinator Mr. B.S. Kirar and was followed by lamp lighting ceremony. Mr. Balaji Madiq addressed the audience by explaining the objective, structure and kind of work which is being carried out by Soochna Seva in Guna district. The District sarpanch Shri Ramdayal Malviya, together with his two cabinet colleagues Shri Ramcharan Gurjur and Shri Hanumant Singh Dhakkad Patel acknowledged and thanked Soochna Seva.
A School Teacher from the Village School Shri Gopal Singh Kirar explained about ‘School Chalen Abhiyan’. Shri Kirar narrated his experiences also explained that to reduce number of uneducated in the village parents need to put in more efforts. He further expressed his disagreement of the prevalent myth that studying in private schools is better than government schools, supported it by mentioning that ‘majority of high officials were not pass outs from private schools.’
Further, Shri Kirar also told that people are of the opinion that teachers don’t do justice to their work but only spend their time relaxing and enjoying instead of teaching. He quoted ‘If we leave half an hour early, we are questioned by people as to why are we going early? They will never question their children for bunking school to play local village game ‘Gulli Danda” in the streets as to their reasons for not going to school?’
In the next session, detailed rules and regulations governing Pension Schemes was explained by the Secretary of Panchayat Shri. Ramvilas Kirar, which proved helpful in clearing all doubts of the Soochna Seva workers. The audience raised another question on the process of procuring BPL card, which he answered by explaining that to procure BPL Card one needs to have Voter card.
Here, Shri Balaji requested the Secretary for a detailed stepwise explanation of the entire process involved in making a BPL card. Shri Kirar explained, that initially, one needs to submit an application of request at panchayat, then the investigating officer will conduct a Field Survey to fill a Fourteen Point Performa which is to be later submitted to the concerned authority. It takes three months for the BPL Card to be delivered to the applicant. He further informed all about the campaign called ”Swach Bharat Abhiyan” which he said is presently going estrange.
Lastly, relevant information on Women Health issue was given by Smt. Rani Yadav from ICDS and she also explained the importance of sending the child to Anganwadi.