Kanti a village in lakshmanpura panchayat is about thirty five kilometers from Raghogarh Block. This village is a Bhil village. Shri. Parmal Singh, aged 45 is one of the residents of this village. He and his five member family is simple minded people. In the month of January 2015, people were eagerly opening accounts under PMJDY scheme. Parmal Singh who was inquisitive about this eagerness among his neighbors wanted to know more about the scheme. He learnt that everybody is opening her account and so he decided not to miss the bus.
He also went to Kiosk centre at parsoliya where the kiosk operator took one hundred rupees and told him plainly that his account has been opened and he would get his account activated in fifteen days’ time. When Shiri. Parmal Singh approached the kiosk operator to get his account number; the kiosk operator scolded him and told him that he would not get his account number.
Dejected by events, he returned home empty handed. When Soochna Sevak Mukesh Yadav visited Kanti village and encouraged people to open accounts under PMJDY. Shri. Parmal Singh approached Mukesh Yadav and narrated the whole story and sought his help. Soochna Sevak Mukesh Yadav went with Shri. Parmal Singh to Kiosk centre and assisted him to get his account number.