• IMG_20150222_120158Community Meeting at Hesatu village, Angara block (Ranchi)

    In Ranchi, Vahid along with the help with the district team - Aijaz Ahmad and the Fellows conducted a group session in Hesatu village of the Angara block. An overwhelming number of 100 women and girls came to attend the session. The Mukhiya and ward members also joined this session. Numerous queries on schemes, specially related to women and girl child, issues and concerns were raised by the group and were given a patient hearing and then each query was handled by the Soochna Seva…

  • ranchiSubsidized LPG gas cylinder distribution in Ranchi Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna

    In a first-ever event of its kind, a free gas connection distribution under “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna” was carried out in Itki block of Ranchi. The beneficiaries belonged to the poor of the poorest category. The event embarked the first lot of gas connection distribution ceremony. Many more connections are expected in near future. The breakthrough of this magnitude was not easy, it was blood, sweat and tears all the way for Soochna Seva team. The ground team explored all the…

  • DSC03327EUROPEAN UNION CSO Meet 2017, Ranchi Jharkhand (25th – 27th April)

    This year 3 days review meeting has been scheduled in Hotel Maple Wood, Ranchi Jharkhand. The agenda is to discuss the ground issues, achievements, challenges, finance, expected collaboration and sustainability of the 14 projects. The review meeting aimed at sharing updates on the progress of individual partner in terms of results and how services can be strengthen and reach out to the last mile beneficiaries. First day has been commenced with a field visit to the intervention areas of…

  • Ranchi1Panel Discussion on “Strengthening Governance and Citizen Engagement Digitally for Last Mile Access and Delivery of Public Schemes Information And Entitlements”

    The Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and the Office of the Delegation of the European Union in India has organized a Panel Discussion on “Strengthening Governance and Citizen Engagement Digitally for Last Mile Access and Delivery of Public Schemes Information and Entitlements” on 24th April 2017 in Ranchi, Jharkhand. The Consultation is to identify innovations and best practices regarding access and delivery of information and entitlements keeping in mind the geographical,…

  • Physcial VerificationSoochna Seva team carried out physical verification of all ration card holders, in four villages of Ranchi district

    The National Food Security Act (NFSA) of 2013 aims to provide food and nutritional security to the citizens while ensuring access to adequate quantity and quality of food at affordable prices. In Jharkhand alone, the state government claims to provide benefits under the act to 57,29,416 families. In August this year, Digital Empowerment Foundation’s Soochna Seva team carried out physical verification of all ration card holders, in four villages of Ranchi district, who are eligible under…

  • IMG-20151120-WA0009A rally to create awareness among people about Panchayat Election

    Punchayat Election campaign is in full flow in Ranchi district. Keeping the above fact in view, our Soochna Seva team held a rally of school children in presence of Principal, teachers and other respected persons. Students shouted slogans and marched within the village. They carried placards and banner to draw pwople's attention. The message was to make people aware that every single vote is important and it should be casted with right…

  • IMG-20151123-WA0015Awareness camp on Beti bachao beti padhao campaign in Ranchi

    आज सूचना सेवा बेड़ो ब्लॉक रांची के द्वारा बेड़ो ब्लॉक के दीघिया पंचायत के सरना टोली में बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ जागरूकता कैम्प का आयोजन किया गया. कैम्प में लड़की बच्चियों पर हो रहे अत्याचार पर…

  • IMG-20151114-WA0007Children's day celebrated at Dighiya Panchayat, Ranchi

    आज सूचना सेवा बेड़ो ब्लाक रांची की टीम के द्वारा दीघिया पंचायत के टेंगरिया गांव में बाल दिवस मनाया गया ,बाल दिवस के अवसर पर खेल कूद प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया ,बच्चों के लिए 50 मीटर दौड़…

  • skill developmentAwareness camp on skill development, training conducted in Itki Block

    With an aim to inform, educate and encourage the rural youth on developing their skills and to make them employable, Soochna Seva team organised skill development awareness camp at Soochna Seva Kendra at Itki block in Ranchi on August 13, 2015. Expert trainers, government officials from the block office along with Sukhmani Tigga, Pramukh of the block, and three other mukhiyas of Itki block—Meloney Minz, Rojdani Tigga and Sumri Orain—were present. Young girls and boys with their parents…

  • 3Model school students win quiz competition in Bedo

    Bedo Gram Panchayat organised a quiz competition for school students at Bedo Bhawan on August 13, 2015. Kisto Kumar Besra, Block Development Officer along with Soochna Seva team, faculty of the schools participated in the competition and other government officials graced the occasion. Students from various schools in the Bedo block—Kasturba Vidyalaya, Project Girls Higher Secondary Schools, Model School, Sishu Vidya Mandir School and State Girls Higher Secondary School—participated in…

  • IMG-20150730-WA0022Digital literacy camp conducted at three schools of Thakurgaon in Ranchi.

    Little was known to the Soochna Seva team of Burmu block that the digital literacy camp at primary schools of Thakurgaon could influence students to take up computer training at the Soochna Seva Kendra. On July 29, 2015, the Soochna Seva team visited three different schools namely Adivasi School, Bhavi School and Project School in Thakurgaon of Burmu block in Ranchi district. They briefed the students about various digital literacy programs that are provided at the centre. School teachers too…

  • 123An awareness camp organised with the help of the Postmaster of Getalsudon July 27, 2015

    The Postmaster of Getalsud panchayat and one of our Soochna Sevak discussed about the poor participation of people in various schemes hosted by the post-office. The Soochna Sevak shared his experience and informed the postmaster, that people are skeptic about the process that takes place in post-office.  To resolve the misconception among people, the duo came up with the idea to invite the people at one place and help them register under the yojanas. To give shape to this idea, the Soochna…

  • tumblr_nnf5ehmtzN1u8uy16o3_1280Demand for social audit of NREGA (Ranchi)

    NREGA has been controversial scheme since its launch, in terms of giving work to the needy ones and subsequently releasing the payment timely after work done. Keeping in mind the issues, SSK Angara (Ranchi) team decided to have a meeting with local administration, elected members and beneficiaries have not received the amount. The meeting has been organised on March 10, 2015. In presence of Mr. Ram Balak Kumar, Block Development Officer, Ms. Deep Mala, Circle Officer, Mr. Kaleshwar Mahato,…

  • IMG_20150222_120158Community Meeting at Hesatu village

    Community Meeting at Hesatu village, Angara block attended by 100 women and girls. In Ranchi, Vahid along with the help with the district team - Aijaz Ahmad and the Fellows conducted a group session in Hesatu village of the Angara block. An overwhelming number of 100 women and girls came to attend the session. The Mukhiya and ward members also joined this session. Numerous queries on schemes, specially related to women and girl child, issues and concerns were raised by the group and were…

  • 200 women attended the camp“Police-Public Relation Camp” on June8, 2015 by the efforts of Soochna Seva Team in Hesatu, Ranchi.

    “If you are in trouble, we are there to assist you and request you to approach us when in need”, explained  by Shivji Singh, sub-inspector of Hesatu Police Station, in a ‘Police-Public Relation Camp’ organised by Sooochna Seva in Hesatu , Agara block of Ranchi district on June 8, 2015. The camp was planned after the people repeatedly expressed their misconceptions about the police to Sochna Seva Team. “They have assumed wrongly that police will demand money if anyone goes to…

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