The 4th eNGO Challenge award was organised on 9th October 2015 at India Habitat Centre by Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) in collaboration with Public Interest Registry (PIR). The award aims to provide a platform to recognise and honour NGOs who are using Information &Communication Technology (ICT) tools that are benefiting societies and communities at large.
In the event, various NGOs were invited to set up their stalls in order to showcase their presence and work done by them. Soochna Seva, a joint initiative of DEF and European Union, shared the set-up with CIRC (a project run by DEF). The backdrop looked vibrant and colourful as it displayed pictures of Soochna Seva Kendra, Digital classrooms and Digital Vahan. Also, an LCD was placed to screen videos of case stories and government schemes. Promotional materials such as pamphlets and brochures of Soochna Seva project and posters related to government schemes and case stories were carefully arranged to draw the attention of the visitors. Newspaper clippings demonstrating good work of Soochna Seva were pasted on the make-shift poles.
Over 100 people visited the counter and shared their visiting cards. Some expressed their interest in partnering with the project while some wanted to serve as consultant. Currently the Soochna Seva project covers only five states. Hence participants from other states encouraged the team to work in their areas too and help the under-privileged. Over all, the crowd showed great enthusiasm to make a difference in the society.
Soochna Seva Delhi team interacted actively with the visitors at the stall and welcomed their queries. They also collected suggestions and recommendations that could enhance the functioning of the project.